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31 votes
silent killer's Essential anime list
(112 items)Tv list by silent killer Published 12 years, 4 months ago
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disappointing anime
(22 items)Tv list by silent killer Published 12 years, 1 month ago
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It's all about consistency

It's good but it's still about bike messengers.

crazy fighting

shoujo anime on crack

Revolutionary Girl Utena falls squarely into the shoujo category. Bishie's everywhere, big eyed girls, flowers everywhere. so, hey, I watched the whole thing. Normally, I would stay away from this kind of shoujo. I tend to lean more towards the comedic type: Skip Beat, Lovely Complex, etc. But the powers that be told me to watch this. I was pretty much blown away. And if you think Evangelion had a lot of symbolism, I laugh at your ineptittude. HAHAHAHAHA. Seriously, though, everything is a symbol in this show. Everything. Except for maybe the shirt flying open thing. Whcih sadly, only happens to the guys. We do get a few naked girls here and there, but it only ends in rage. Well, it's not really even the point of the show, just an aside really. This is shoujo afterall.
Despite all the twists and fighting, and overall non-crappy drama. It still has many other standard cliches that plague shoujo and all anime really. Repetition. Fight, win, get the girl. Literally in this case. As she is the prize and is necesarry to open the gates to the end of the world. And reused scenes, in particular this one:
and this one:
Notice how it was the same music but a different animation. When you hear that song start, you know it's time for a fight. Utena's wasn't that bad but it was almost evey episode. As epic as the music was even that gets stale after 34 episodes. There's also an annoying little pet. It does however beak away from many other shoujo in that the girls aren't shrinking violets nor are they the chick. They are all incredibly competent and will beat your ass in a fight. Contrast this with the standard anime chick/doormat/useless moeblob. You'd think there'd be more of this, especially in shoujo, anime aimed specifically at girls, but there isn't. One more thing about this show. It subcribes to the all men are bastards ideal. In this case I'll letit slide cause damn, the guys on this show are bastards.

and my backlog gets one shorter

Onto the characters. Without getting into too much detail, because I don't feel like it, I don't think any boring characters exist in this show, save for Neya, and the Aiba brothers. Even then they weren't too bad, just not as interesting as everyone else. Everyone changed a little, even the side characters and the joke characters that had little to do with the main story, went through changes. the clearest examples would probably be the girl in the dinosaur suit who as the show went on, started losing parts of her costume until she was down too just a sleeve by midway through the series. The second half was her recovering each part until she was whole again by the end. And then there's the naked guy. He started the show naked with nothing but a throw pillow to cover his manhood, Eventually he moved onto a lion-cloth fashioned from a towel, then he even got a name and a shirt, but still no pants.
What really surprised me about this show is it actually had a decent, thought out ending unlike many anime where it just ends because they caught up to the book or the studio ran out of money to write a proper end for a show. It's not a great ending, just a well thought out one that has a definite conclusion.
I almost forgot to mention one more thing about this series. The music: Both the opening and the ending gave me somewhat of an oldschool anime feel, which I tend to like. That's just me I think. I just happen to like old anime music better. it doesn't give off that same melt your teeth, moe moe feel. In other words, the music doesn't sound overproduced or run through a a synth to make up for the singer's talent or lack thereof. I'm not saying that didn't happen either way, but it doesn't sound like it. A couple other tracks you hear have a definite hip-hop feel to it. the eycatch atleast, it has what most assuredly sounds like a loop from Biggie Smalls.

better than I thought it'd be

finally saw this movie

One more thing for those that like to compare movies. I'll save you the trouble. The best comparison I can think of for Sex Drive would be if someone took American Pie and Road Trip and combined them. It sounds like a bad idea, but I think it works.

Last Exit

Its a ten, but its still only a light novel

Saying that, if you decided you wanted to get into the series now, You'd be confused beyond belief. Maybe they add a list of chronoogical events as they happened. As it happens, the ending sets up the story for the fifth book. Seeing as how this is the third book, I wonder what happens in the fourth?

Its been about three months since I got this game.

Its got a very unique fighting system that utilizes both screens at once quite nicely. The bottom screen is for most purposes of this game your main screen and the top screen is where your partner fights. In a battle you can either have them go full auto or control the top screen by way of the D-pad, and at the same time control your main character, Neku, with the stylus on the botom screen. You share a life bar and enemies, so if one monster gets erased on either screen, that's it for them.
The way the attacks are carried out are through the use of pins, that are classified from A-D. You can have a total of six pins for Neku. They all have their own stats, that can be altered through fighting or also through items you equip your characters with and what area of the gae you're in. So one item may make them stronger in one area but in another it may weaken them considerably. I'm aware this stuff isn't new. But the way they implement it offers players a chance to customize their fighting style whether it be melee or long range in a very fun way.
part of the replayability of the game is the amount o customization it offers players. That and the music. You don't get tired of it. It's something like a mix between techno and pop. Its very inline with the feel of the game.

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"this feels like I read it before. On hmmm. Maybe you're just a very good writer."

"Shinji was a bitch in both but Asuka's real, if inflected, German in the dub won me over."

"I honestly had considered adding it to this list when I made it. However, for whatever reason, it hadn't met the criteria I used to make it in the first place. Now that I think about, this list could "

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"High School of the Dead is actually pretty good. Also suggest Night of the Zombie. Great cheese filled movie of the 80's."

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"You ever gotten around to Vampire Hunter D bloodlust or Sword of the stranger?"
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