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silent killer commented on a list
My favorite childhood cartoons - Back to the past (20 tv items)

"crazy awesome list."

13 years, 7 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
Reasons We All Owned A N64 (10 games items)

"You know I actually beat Cruisin USA for the N64 at a Walmart electronics department. I was without and the machine in the lobby was broken."

13 years, 7 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
37 Great Fictional / Movie Vehicles! (37 movies items)

"what about the eponimous Dodge Viper from the tv show "Viper""

13 years, 7 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
Most Unfairly Overlooked Movies Of The Decade (23 movies items)

"crazy awesome list. and you're right about Grindhouse. If you missed it in the theater you missed it. Friends who only saw the movies on DVD, didn't get why I liked it so much. And without even realiz"

13 years, 7 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
Top 10 Anime Villains (10 dvds items)

"I can think of some worse villians in anime, but overall a nice idea."

13 years, 8 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
That's my real name.. (59 person items)

"simple and entertaining. GJ"

13 years, 8 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
References on Fringe (70 tv items)

"one of those is real. Hal Jordan becomes a red lantern in main continuity. Irony or well placed advertising."

13 years, 8 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
D: (And Other Movies That Failed) (14 movies items)

"like the name of your list"

13 years, 8 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
Actors who looks the same on every movie poster (12 person items)

"Jackie Chan only has giant feet/hands on his western movi posters. His other movies are actually quite normal looking, but yea kickass list"

13 years, 8 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
"that was surprisingly good" (31 movies items)

"Tupac actually did do some formal training as an artist. On top of being an outstanding rapper, he was also a fairly talented actor. and Spike Lee in the 80's made some very interesting movies."

13 years, 9 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
Celebrities with Tattoos (48 person items)

"Tupac Shakur had several interesting tattoos. Method Man Redman"

13 years, 9 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
Top 10 Retro Gaming Bosses (10 games items)

"I notice a severe lack of SNK bosses in this list"

13 years, 9 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
My Top 50 Anime Series (60 tv items)

"Baccano takes place in New York, mostly. When is not following Miria and Isaac or on the Pussyfoot. Stopped watching Bleach after SS arc. The whole series pretty much ended for me right there. Awesom"

13 years, 10 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
Anime Insider's 50 Best anime ever (50 dvds items)

"go ahead. the more the merrier."

13 years, 10 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
Metamovies (tales told inside films) (16 movies items)

"Forrest Gump"

13 years, 11 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
Sexiest Disney Characters (11 movies items)

"Esmeralda is teh sex"

13 years, 11 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
TV Guide's 50 greatest cartoon characters (50 person items)

"when did Adam West voice batman?"

14 years ago
silent killer commented on a list
Films Spoofed by The Simpsons (116 movies items)

"I just realized this, but they mixed night of the living dead with the return of the living dead in that treehouse of horror episode. they took two zombie movies and made it into one. Brilliant, I'd s"

14 years, 1 month ago
silent killer commented on a list
Comixed (27 movies items)

"Obviously, stupid internet humor is below you."

14 years, 2 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
Ugly Actresses I Cant Stand (6 person items)

"mariah used to be hella fine. Not no more though."

14 years, 4 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
DC Universe Cast - Superheroes (312 person items)

"Acting aside, they probably could pull it off on looks alone"

14 years, 4 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
Who's asking for these? (13 movies items)

"national Lampoon is more like a franchise than a series. In addition to the Vacation series they also had The Naked Gun, a sendup of the lethal weapon series and more recently, ugh, the Van Wilder ser"

14 years, 4 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
Who's asking for these? (13 movies items)

"to this day I still love Ernest goes to Camp. But all the other Ernest movies I hated. Still hate them."

14 years, 4 months ago
silent killer commented on a list
MTV is w*nk. (11 tv items)

"dude, Beavis and Butt-head and Daria were awesome. And what about Road Rules and The Real World. those started MTV's downward spiral"

14 years, 4 months ago