cool show, awkward dub

When I first saw Blood+ I thought "Awesome." After watching the dub I thought "Whaaat? Why does Lewis sound like a rastafarian?" Hearing that dub makes me want to change the channel. I'd stick to DVD for the subs.

Hikkatsu Vol 1

Sometime in the future a natural disaster occurs that affects all electronic devices in the world. Wait. This isn't the plot of the book. What it is about is a boy who believes that hitting things is the ultimate way to make them better. Even sick people. Shota plans to heal the world with his karate. This is where the majority of the books humor comes from as Shota most often goes overboard and usually ends up destroying whatever he tries to "fix".

too many inconsistencies

There are too many inconsistencies. I don't just mean between all the prevoius books and this one. I also mean within the book itself. Hermione says she modified her parents memories in one chapter and then the next she's squeemish about doing to some death eaters because she's never done it before. Umm... yes, she has. She just explained she did last chapter. That and the polyjuice potion lasting longer than an hour as previously mentioned in the second book. Other than that, the book was good. Although the epilogue nearly blew it.

WTF happened!?

Well, I was reading until now hoping that it would get better. Volume 11 was good, but then it ends like this and blows it all. Volume 12's only saving grace is the bonus side story with Akane and Subaru, and the extra one-shot story 10 Days.

where's the rest of this series ADV

You left it all hanging at a very big cliffhanger. Finish it or pass it along to someone else already.