"points simply for doing the work finding all these games."

"Have you by any chance ever played Kid Chameleon?"

"also two more. Faster - maybe The Motorcycle Diaries - definitely should be on this list."

"got a few suggestions. Redline anime zombieland hanna"

"I'm glad to see A Bug's Life on here because everyone I know hates the hell out of it and that pisses me off. I adore it and it's the only Pixar film I own on Blu-ray. Not saying I wouldn't own others"

"could have sworn I voted for this one ages ago."

"5cm is only around 45 minutes long, and although garden of sinners is over 2 hours long, it has 6 other episodes behind it. So you could make an argument that those two, and a few others on this list,"

"Busta Rhymes has atleast two more music videos inspired by movies. "Dangerous" Lethal Weapon and The Last Dragon. "Put your Hands where my can see" was inspired partly by Coming to America"

"i don't understand why this kind of list have more visitor more votes than me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's simple. The thumbnail is of a woman's ass. A nice one too."

"what about kill bill 1 and 2? It was originally supposed to be one movie but the studio decided to cut it in half. and do it in two parts."

"would replace A Bug's Life with Antz. Came out at roughly the same time but was more or less ignored. Nice to see Rock and Rule, Interstella5555 and Heavy Metal on the list."

"Please read the list description on the top right of the page."

"You had every reason to be afraid of Sheva. She'd likely kill you as many times as she has arms."

"Xenogears has a sequel called Xenoblade. Chrono Trigger has Chrono Cross."

"You made a list about three amigos and you left The Three Amigos of it. http://www.listal.com/movie/three-amigos And the the three musketeers, as well."

"dude, This guy is awesome. Is there a role Steve Buschemi hasn't played. Crazy."

"Should have saved Memento for last. Otherwise, hilarious list."

"Thanks. Better days gone past. Actually the last DVD I bought was The Dark Knight."

"Thank you! Thank you for adding a favorite movie poster list with actual movie posters!"

"I know some of these series was really handsome but I think you missed some of a great series too like naruto one piece GTO and etc If you think that, then maybe you should vote for them and put them "

"1.The Twelve Kingdoms 2.Cowboy Bebop 3.FLCL 4.Serial Experiments Lain 5.Eureka Seven 6.Toradora! 7.Baccano! 8.One Piece 9.Mobile Police Patlabor 10.Gurren Lagann"

"I loved Batman Returns when it first came out. It was the best thing ever to me. Until I saw Jurassic Park, atleast."