"Futureworld The theme park where nothing can ever possibly go wrong."

"If I could vote for this list again I would. Still no Soylent Green. It's in the episode where Lisa sees her future and almost marries the Hugh Grant Expy. Homer also sings a song very similar to T"

"most of them went out of print years ago, and any that are still left on the market go for a premium. Lucky for you,some of these are getting relicensed and being released in much more affordable thin"

"Believe it or not most "classic" anime was crap. Most of the good classics are on the list. The reason Bebop is number one is because its got mainstream penetration. Even regular people like it. Becau"

"Pluto Nash is not even funny as a b-movie. If Uwe Bol made a comedy it would be Pluto Nash. Double Dragons, however, is worth watching. I'd watch it again. Also, no Killer Clowns from Outer Space?"

"It was the one where the bart and lisa go to a good school, bu to do so homer has to live in a tiny apartment. Back to the future was spoofed for about ten seconds in another episode. Network tv is"

"Want to know the sad thing. My computer is too slow to play most of these games. Well, half of them atleast."

"Okay, I think I finally got it fixed completely. More or less anyway. Enjoy!"

"Close Encounters of the Third Kind The Road Warrior Stand By Me Boogie Nights Disney's The Lady and the Tramp The Prince of Tides"

"The Mask of Zorro, The Man in the Iron Mask and The Three Musketeers, all in the same episode. Poltergeist also. I can't believe it took me so long to remember that one. It's one of my favorite episod"

"A Streetcar named Desire, and The Deer hunter. I know there's atleast one more. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 101 Dalmations Soylent Green Fantasia The Terminator there are still mor"

"the ironic thing is Stargate SG-1 series ended with movies"

"I had no idea Jennifer Aniston was older than Angelina Jolie."

"Actually, the Pamela Anderson/Tommy Lee sextape came out earlier. And Katie Holmes was kidnapped by Tom Cruise and scientology."

"If we're talking mainstream print, and not just self-published stuff. Belligerence & debauchery: the Tucker Max Stories Errant Story Exploitation Now The Truth About Chuck Norris Inverloch Aoi"

"No, Avatar isn't anime. Just because it owns nearly every cartoon made in the last decade and has an asian theme going on doesn't make it anime. It was all Nickelodeon."

"Oh wait I also played mario 3, but I always got pushed off by someone else wanting to play."

"Only ever played Tetris from this list, and then I only played it in two hours increments or so before I got bored with it."

"I don't know how old the list maker is but you can't be over 20 and not know Bobby's World. It's almost unnatural. Same for Pepper Ann."

"You do realize Kill Bill was shot as one movie, right? It was just split into two parts because most people nowadays aren't going to sit around for five hours at one movie. Kind of what happened to Gr"

"If point and click is your thing, Trace Memory and Time Hollow would probably be right up your alley. Chrono Trigger also finally got a decent port over from the SNES and Disgaea got ported over from "